Pirates and Wizards
Duuude, new teaser trailer for
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest is available now!
Right-click save-as here to watch it. Updated with better versions:
click here to download the teaser in QT or Windows Media format. :D
Harry Potter again today. Unsurprisingly, it was remarkably similar to the way it was when I saw it on Sunday. :) I didn't notice too much that I'd missed the first time around, but it was nice to revisit the movie and take a second look at things that bothered me (and they still bother me), things I liked (still cool), and the ways characters reacted to things. The theme music was actually present in this movie, though, but I guess just not as pervasively. After the first time, I hadn't remembered hearing the theme at all. Anyway, I don't think there was enough letting-it-stew time between viewings, since, you know, I just saw the movie 3 days ago. I've talked about the movie a lot with different people (do you KNOW how hard it is to keep track of who it was who's watching the movies without reading the books, or who hasn't seen any of the movies and hasn't read any of the books? The rabid seen-everything, read-everything fans are easier to keep track of though), but those conversations have been mostly superficial "here's what I liked/disliked" types of conversations rather than the "whoa, man, that's deeeeep" kind. :) So yeah, if it's a while 'til I see this movie again, that's fine by me.
Harry Potter! I can't wait to see how they handle the next movie. Muhahaha. Should be...interesting. There are certain scenes the moviemakers have to include if they value their lives at all (personally, I wouldn't want a bunch of Potterheads after me), and then there are scenes that you could probably already accurately surmise won't make it into the movie (come on, the next book's even longer than the fourth is!).
Pirates! Go watch the teaser trailer now.
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